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Deep drop into restorative

we are full. ♡

A practice of Restorative yoga: rejuvenating experience of full body relaxation.

This event is designed to provide you an escape from the hustle and bustle of new years time, allowing you to dive deep into relaxation.

You will be guided through a series of gentle and supported poses that promote deep relaxation and release tension. We will create a serene and nurturing environment, ensuring that you feel completely at ease throughout the session.

Restorative yoga is known for its ability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting deep relaxation and healing. Through the use of props such as bolsters, blankets, and pillows, each pose is carefully supported to provide maximum comfort.

The practice is suitable for all levels, whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to the practice. No prior experience is necessary, and we will provide modifications and adjustments to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and supported.

This is an opportunity to nurture yourself and prioritize self-care in a serene and supportive environment.

What to expect? Cozy settings for very long, calming and supported postures.

Where? Studio sagauoga Punavuori, Sinebrychoffinkatu 11 a buzzer 43

With? Saga

When? Sunday 7.1.2024 11am to 3pm

Who? This is something for everybody. You need no prior experiences of any yoga practice.

Why? To give both your body, mind and spirit a well-deserved rest.

Price: 55€

How to join? link below

Come and join us for this transformative experience and give yourself the gift of deep relaxation and restoration.

Embark on a journey of inner peace.

With all the love and light,


December 28

Sound Healing

January 26

New Years Reset